Are We The Right Fit?
Are We The Right Fit?
Yes, if you believe that strategy is important and you want straight talk based on extensive experience. So, whether you’re thinking of conducting a marketing program for the first time – or you’ve implemented marketing activities for years, our approach to helping you is the same.
Strategy, based on solid market research and experience, is the foundation of all well-conceived marketing. Or, more simply put, there are three critical elements for success: Planning, planning, and oh yeah, planning.
ROI or ETA: Do You Think Marketing Is An Investment Or Expense?
When you invest the financial resources and time in a marketing communications effort, your business will more easily “weather” future economic ups and downs.
Your marketing budget is not a line item expense to avoid – but it is an investment. It is a component of brand equity.
Soundly developed marketing strategies and their corresponding budgets impact your ROI (Return On Investment) and are not an ETA (Expense To Avoid).
If you think otherwise, whether you have in-house marketing or retain the services of marketing consultants, you will miss business opportunities that can positively impact your bottom line.
Are We Right For You?
We’re a results-oriented firm. We’re careful to manage your expectations by setting obtainable goals and objectives based on sound strategy and within budget.
Like you, we also have competitors. When you’re considering investing in the services of a marketing communications firm, take your time, ask questions. Look out for over promise/under deliver in the marketing world.
We have heard too many horror stories from clients who came to us after spending significant sums of money employing arbitrary communications tactics that were conceived on a whim or in a vacuum.
Emotion, logic and reason all play roles in marketing – both in the decision-making process when developing a strategy and among target audiences who are the recipients of your marketing messages. BUT, it’s always a balancing act. In particular, don’t let emotion rule if or how you spend your marketing investment.
Do You Want Your Competitors To Thank You?
If you think that you don’t need marketing or that you can cut corners, your competitors will thank you. Competitors will fill the marketing void that you’ve either miscalculated or ignored. From early stage development to commercialization – marketing should be an integral part of your business plan.
Do You Think It’s Too Early For Marketing?
By the way, if you’re a start-up or an early stage business preparing for commercialization and think it’s too soon to begin marketing or that you have little or no competiton, you better take a closer look around.
It’s rare to have a one-of-kind product, service or patent pending. Even if you’re fortunate enough to be first-to-market – competitors will not be far behind.
Are You Right For Us?
Maybe, but do yourself a favor. Be deliberate and be honest with yourself when evaluating a marketing effort. Take some time and answer the following questions about whether you’re ready to conduct marketing that produces results and is cost-effective.
If you can answer yes, to most of the above – Congratulations!
Do You Understand The Role of Marketing Communications?
Our “ideal” client understands – or is at least, willing to learn – that marketing communications:
Are you prepared to make a commitment?
We’re Committed, Are You?
We are committed to you and this process. Please understand that increasing awareness, educating, influencing decision-making behavior and purchasing decisions among target audiences takes time.
We know there are ups and downs in business. However, even in times of crisis, with a solid strategy, the right attitude and a sense of humor, there’s nothing we can’t accomplish together! We view our role as your strategic communications partner. Similarly, we want you to want us to succeed!